Sunday, April 15, 2007

H.R.811 - Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007

While you are standing in the voting booth this Tuesday, think about the process of voting – how do you know your votes are being counted? Our Representative Rush Holt is sponsoring House Resolution 811, Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2007 which, among other things, would require voter-verified paper ballots be produced for any possible recount. No matter which political party you identify with, this is an important topic, especially since the last few efforts to modernize our election process have produced such mixed results. Increasing voter turnout in elections is only worthwhile if we can accurately count how those votes were cast.

I urge everyone to contact Rush Holt and share your thoughts with him on this important topic. His federal website has numerous ways of contacting him at

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