Tuesday, March 20, 2007

NJSBA Meeting Last Night

Last night (19 March, 2007) I went up to North Brunswick High School for a preparation meeting for School Board candidates - it was pretty informative.

The meeting was really intended, as best as I can figure it, to set expectations as to how to conduct yourself as a School Board member (should you be elected), and what resources are available to (me) as a new School Board member (should I be elected). The real education was in the Q & A session afterwards, when I got a chance to hear the issues that are driving other candidates in other districts to run for office. There were stories of having to work-around an uneffective superintendent, getting information from reluctant boards on what they are actually doing, etc. Some of the more troublesome districts had just a few hundred students (400 - 600 students).

Anyway, I've included a link to the website for the NJ School Board Association on the right, in case you are interested in some additional information on the legislation and pressures that impact School Boards across the state. Interesting viewpoints on S-1701 and other recent changes - I encourage you to check it out.

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