Friday, March 23, 2007

Penultimate 2007-2008 Budget Presentation

This week I’d like to discuss the proposed 2007-2008 budget, as presented by the School Board Friday to municipal representatives and the general public. The budget as presented is not final, but it is a good indication of what will ultimately be sent to the voters on April 17th, 2007 for approval.

In general, I like the budget – I may have issues with elements within the budget, but the reality is nothing will be ADDED to the budget if it is voted down on April 17th.

Do I wish we could retain the auto shop class as an in district offering? Sure I do, but the heart of that program was the instructor – he is the driving force behind every endorsement from parents. The reality is, he is retiring and the program will change. Voting down the budget won’t bring him out of retirement.

Do I wish we could retain Primary Strings for grades 1 through 3? Absolutely – without this class, how many children would be exposed to music in such a hands-on way? The trend across the nation is to cut music offerings to increase “core curriculum” education – here in the Hopewell Valley, that is one trend I am pleased we have rejected. Keeping Primary Strings in the first grade is a reasonable compromise – it offers the exposure to music that is so important. Voting down the budget won’t bring back Primary strings in grades 2 and 3.

Do I wish Hazardous Busing was fully funded in next year’s budget? Absolutely – but keeping busing for students in grades K through 5 in the budget is a great start. In addition, the reduction of the requested parental payment from an estimated $500/student per year to a reduced estimate of $150/student per year is a welcome improvement. Voting down the budget won’t get Hazardous Busing for all students currently served back next year.

With this latest budget presentation, we have some real numbers for the Activity Fee and Busing Fee for those that wish to avail themselves of those services will have to pay: The one-time annual Activity Fee is $50 for grades 6 through 8, $100 for grades 9 through 12, with a per family cap of $200/year. The Busing Fee, is as an annual fee of $150 year per student, with no per-family cap.

For a family living in a house assessed at the township or borough average, with two children in the school system (one in the middle school, one in the high school), but requiring Hazardous Busing ($300 family total) and participating in activities ($150 family total) face total out of pocket school expense increase of nearly 10% in Hopewell and Pennington Borough, and around 8% in Hopewell Township. My example family from Hopewell Borough would see a greater increase, but all students in grades 6 through 12 in Hopewell Borough qualify for Mandated busing. The fees are optional, but the services they fund are considered by many parents to be essential.

I invite you to discuss these, or any other concerns about our school district on my blog, at

Ken Hansen
Hopewell Township

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